i only recently hacked my first ps2, so im no expert on the subject. i dont know of all the various hacks and mods out there, but this is the one i used it and seems to be working great. its completely free, fairly easy to complete, and contains everything you need including a backup player.
Free McBoot Information
Step by Step Tutorial
everything you need can be found in the step by step tutorial, including youtube videos explaining a few of the finer points.
my ps2 was an old original fat so i had to make a swap key and do the whole swapping method. the only other thing i can suggest if you have a fat is to remove the top of the case so you have direct access to the disc tray. this makes it much easier to swap the discs and allows you to swap much faster than if you did it the "normal" way. simply insert the swap key, slide the peg to the right, remove the disc tray cover, swap the discs, replace the disc tray cover, slide the peg to the left, and remove the swap key. the whole process takes around 3-4 seconds versus about 20 seconds if you did it the traditional way ;)
last updated 9:18 AM 2/7/2011